30.04.2009: 1224 UTC: Posn: 04:01.3S - 059:33.7E, About 900 nm ESE Mogadishu, Somalia. [wp_geo_map]
Eight pirates in two speedboats armed with guns and RPG chased a container ship underway. Ship raised alarm, increased speed and took evasive manoeuvres. The pirates fired upon the ship with automatic guns and later aborted the attack. No injuries to crew. Ship sustained some damages. There was one pirate mother vessel, 10 - 15 meter length observed at 3 nm from the ship. Read More
Thursday, April 30th, 2009
30.04.2009: 0224 UTC: Posn: 07:46S - 051:32E: Alphouse island off southern Somalia. [wp_geo_map]
Two speed boats, the first, white hull and black stripes with 6-7 pirates and the second boat with white hull and 3-4 pirates chased a container ship and fired automatic weapons and RPG. The vessel sustained damages to it’s stbd side accommodation. One RPG shell fell onboard but did not explode. Read More
Passenger Fought Off Pirates With Deck Chair
Wednesday, April 29th, 2009Somalia
Wednesday, April 29th, 2009
04.2009:0350 UTC: Posn: 00:36N - 050:08E: 255nm ESE of Mogadishu: off Somalia. [wp_geo_map]
Pirates armed with automatic weapons in a skiff chased a RoRo vessel and opened fire with automatic weapons. Vessel made evasive manoeuvres and escaped the boarding. Read More
Gulf of Aden
Tuesday, April 28th, 2009
28.04.2009: 0704 UTC: Posn: 13:49N-056:30E: Gulf of Aden. [wp_geo_map]
Pirates in two skiffs launched from a mother vessel approached a general cargo ship and opened fire at it with guns and RPG. Vessel activated water hydrant and released timber baulks into the sea. Pirates aborted the attacked. Read More
Gulf of Aden
Tuesday, April 28th, 2009
28.04.2009: 0630 UTC: Posn: 12:31N-046:07E: Gulf of Aden.
One blue coloured speed boat with six pirates armed with guns approached a general cargo ship underway and opened fire at it. Vessel took evasive manoeuvres and contacted warships for assistance. Vessel fired rocket flares and operated smoke signal to prevent boarding. Later the speed boats aborted the attempt. Read More
Gulf of Aden
Monday, April 27th, 2009
27.04.2008: 1050 UTC: Posn: 13:10N - 056:37.3E, Gulf of Aden. [wp_geo_map]
One speed boat with 3 pirates armed with guns and RPG approached an oil tanker and ordered it to stop. Master commenced evasive manoeuvres. Pirates opened fire with the guns and RPG. After 30 minutes, two speed boats with 4to 5 pirates in each boat approached the vessel and opened fire with guns and RPG. The master continued to carry out the evasive manoeuvres and succeeded in preventing the pirates from boarding. Read More
Sunday, April 26th, 2009
26.04.2009: 1942 UTC: Posn: 01:17S - 055:40E, About 645 nm ESE of Mogadishu, Somalia. [wp_geo_map]
Pirates in a skiff attacked and fired upon a passenger vessel underway. The attempted boarding was unsuccessful due to vessels evasive manoeuvres and the armed security team onboard the vessel. Vessel sustained light damages. Read More
Gulf of Aden
Sunday, April 26th, 2009
26.04.2009: 1130 UTC: Posn: 13:25.5N – 047:24.4E, Gulf of Aden.[wp_geo_map]
A product tanker was attacked and hijacked whilst underway. Somali pirates have boarded the vessel and have taken control of the ship. Further details awaiting. Read More